This is a long overdue post, but I'm finally coming around to posting my day at FanExpo 2016 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. I went last weekend with some friends and had a blast. Didn't take too many photos or grab too many things, but for anyone who hasn't yet been to the event, I encourage you to check it out. Just be aware, you might have to spend a little more than you expect - especially if you go on a Saturday.

Can't go wrong taking a pic of Boba Fett pointing a weapon at you.

For those of you who grew up in Canada during the 90s, PJ Fresh Phil was a part of your childhood. He and some other former hosts of YTV did a small reunion at the event and took some time to autograph photos and take selfies for charity.

Zombie Jesus [whom I have never heard of] was selling tees and I grabbed the least offensive ones.